Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Top 10 best Sk8 Soundtracks

Top 10 best Sk8 Sountracks

#1 20 Shot sequence (1995 ish)

#2 Ohio sk8out (1987-88)

#3 Plan B "questionable video" (1992)

#4 Plan B "virtual reality" (1993)

#5 Santa cruz "wheels of fire" (1987)

#6 Baker 2G (2000)

#7 Lakai "Fully Flared" (2007)

#8 Thrasher "The Truth Hurts" (1993)

#9 Adidas europe "Diagonal" (2009)

#10 Zero "Misled Youth" (1999)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

to this day i remember when i was at sports fever ( my local sk8 shop) and we saw the introduction to the Ban This video...........i was with my big brother and steve we entered the shop, as we walked in we looked up to the tv screen only to notice everyone eyes and thier undivided attention hooked on the tv screen........we were at awe to step in and watch the new powell peralta #6 Ban This !!

frankie hill soon turned pro after his ban this video part which was ground breaking! Sports fever was located behind TGIF'S and the wherehouse, which happened to have a large double set inbetween

before the day of the Gnar dog big gap and stair craze there was Frankie hill

Frankie Hill had his introduction video part on plublic domain as part of a trio shared with jake bradley and brandon chapman as the rubber boys

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ollie ollie oxen free

I wasnt around for the early days of the ollie but i certainly remember my first encounters of the late 80's vibe surrounding the sk8 culture. I was about to be introduced with an aggresive hammer droppppp and a twist of neon green ( money bumps are optional)

Let me start off by saying that these days an ollie doesnt mean shit ( Props to allan gelfand for popping that first ollie)................when i started sk8ing back in 87-88 an ollie meant alot, im talking about superstar status

the first question you would ask a fellow sk8er was.......How high can you ollie ?
the first reaction of a poser was to lie about his ollie's ...lemme tell yah , i lied about my vertical leap......but i eventually caught up to my lies!

when sk8ing was young and hairless it was the height of your ollie, that meant the world and the sk8 community was small, im talking small like 2 or 3% per school. If you wore sk8 shoes and wore a sk8 shirt that meant you were a sk8er. Even class mate's would ask about ollie's. An ollie was on the radar of the US kinda like a 900 is known by the world nowadays, even though they cant compare

ollies were hard to earn. 10" wide decks with 169 indy's, trackers , or thunders were the norm and if you could ollie higher then 2 feet, then you were considered a good sk8er...Now bring us to the modern day...alot of sk8er's (as of 2000 & above)are brought up and influenced by tony hawks play station games, you can do a unrealistic tricks by mctwisting to smith grind to revert to krooks to 5-0 to revert to chink chink to 50-50 to blunt and back to chink chink. Its pretty cool to be a part of something that has matured into what it is now & the best part is its still growing!



my first S.M.A Natas Kaupas encounter

Natas can wall ride higher then high....... and Natas can ollie higher then high

Before i even heard of natas kaupas an older kid told me about a pro sk8er named natas and his name spelled backwards is Satan.

the whole satan story was backed up by the sk8 shop guy. He told us as we watched him watch us while he grip my big brothers natas deck. He stared the whole time as he told us various Natas story's about his ollies up picnic tables & over trashcans ! We were in awe of this pro named Natas Kaupas.

I was freaked out by the word Satan, so the next morning i grabbed my big brother's santa monica airlines Natas deck and held it up to a mirror, lo and behold i read back in the mirror.....
Satan ...........Wow ! it was really was kinda like my first bloody mary experience. All alone walking into the boys bathroom with the lights turned out and saying bloody mary 3 times while the water was running.
I nearly shit my pants wearing a vision fanny pack and matching beret(not really but it makes the story better). to this day i have a fascination with black panther's (not the faction) it just bleeds sk8ing to me.

" i forgot to mention that Natas Kaupas is the Babe Ruth of SK8boarding!!!!!"


Danny sargeant 1281 video..raw street sk8ing

Danny Sargeant was 1 of the first known street pro's from australia...

d sarge was an am and eventually became a pro on schmitt stix ( sarge and andy howell were up n coming pro riders on schmitt stix and they transfered over to the new deal when the change happened)

d. sarge came to san francisco to sk8 and to work for thrasher, working in the shipping wherehouse and sk8ing as a pro . this guy had a freakin barrel of monkeys on his first pro model on schmitt Stix skates and became more known after his New Deal video part on 1281....

the sarge's street sk8ing was raw n rugged curious about his whereabouts???

i love the music and his trick selection is pretty damn aggressive
( gotta luv the spit muffins

Monday, March 15, 2010

a Tribute To THRASHIN The Movie

U S version movie poster

heres the spanish version of the Thrashin Movie poster

Lets fill you in a bit with the standard of Hollywood skate movies, with titles from Thrashin to Gleaming the cube…..ill mention gleaming the cube on another day okay!

But right now its time to wake up and skate down to tylers house and meet up with the ramp locals, cuz its time to train for the pool competition. Corey needs to nail down his pool run, That consist of bionic judo's, sadplant's and maybe a few frigid airs. All the while hes brainstorming about his prototype spider graphics deck.

So lets skate the new virgin vert ramp and barge out to some devo……The hollywood street scene goes off, it consist of pro skater's wearing wigs passing them off as corey, tyler, radley, the boz man and lil stevie and if its 1 thing that cant be stunt doubled its sk8ing. We spot that shite a mile away

Now down to the daggers sabotaging the pool competetion by droppping a handfull of jax into the pool and fucking up coreys run and his back…its to bad corey was wearing a sling-shot tank top……So put that aside and lets go burn off some steam and go rage with a young chili peppers band and get pounced by a product toss from that vampire dude (by the way the boz man is buying drinks)

the val‘s vs. the daggers is truly an epic rivalry…….one special nite corey Webster drops off chrissy at the daggers house, after a long nite of heavy petting and maybe a case of bluballs…..While sk8in away the daggers see corey leaving so they barge out and YELL “GET HIM“ this is when the circle jerks song “wild in the streets “ KICKS in and a Gnar dog barging sess sliding wheel biting street chase scene starts ………going from burning vert ramps to jousting daggers going at it in a local wash with the val’s …….oh and did I mention they turn a vw rabbit into a graffittied up cabriolet,

whats that ? Whats a cabriolet? Radley say’s a cabriolet is hungarian for fast car

so whats better then banging out the head daggers little sister you might ask? Well winning the L.A massacre downhill with a broken wrist and then banging out hooks little sister. That’s whats better….oh and one more thing don’t drink the orange juice its gone bad …….all these fun reckless games will leave you ending up at the top of the L.A massacre downhill starting point. Then and only then will you be ready to face the daggers to race to the bottom, the only other ramp local that will assist you is tyler which got his ass handed to him while calling out monk for burning down their ramp. Anyways corey launches a stink bug indy grab to fly into his L.A massacre victory...

welcome to smash skates
