Friday, March 26, 2010

Danny sargeant 1281 video..raw street sk8ing

Danny Sargeant was 1 of the first known street pro's from australia...

d sarge was an am and eventually became a pro on schmitt stix ( sarge and andy howell were up n coming pro riders on schmitt stix and they transfered over to the new deal when the change happened)

d. sarge came to san francisco to sk8 and to work for thrasher, working in the shipping wherehouse and sk8ing as a pro . this guy had a freakin barrel of monkeys on his first pro model on schmitt Stix skates and became more known after his New Deal video part on 1281....

the sarge's street sk8ing was raw n rugged curious about his whereabouts???

i love the music and his trick selection is pretty damn aggressive
( gotta luv the spit muffins

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