Friday, March 26, 2010

Ollie ollie oxen free

I wasnt around for the early days of the ollie but i certainly remember my first encounters of the late 80's vibe surrounding the sk8 culture. I was about to be introduced with an aggresive hammer droppppp and a twist of neon green ( money bumps are optional)

Let me start off by saying that these days an ollie doesnt mean shit ( Props to allan gelfand for popping that first ollie)................when i started sk8ing back in 87-88 an ollie meant alot, im talking about superstar status

the first question you would ask a fellow sk8er was.......How high can you ollie ?
the first reaction of a poser was to lie about his ollie's ...lemme tell yah , i lied about my vertical leap......but i eventually caught up to my lies!

when sk8ing was young and hairless it was the height of your ollie, that meant the world and the sk8 community was small, im talking small like 2 or 3% per school. If you wore sk8 shoes and wore a sk8 shirt that meant you were a sk8er. Even class mate's would ask about ollie's. An ollie was on the radar of the US kinda like a 900 is known by the world nowadays, even though they cant compare

ollies were hard to earn. 10" wide decks with 169 indy's, trackers , or thunders were the norm and if you could ollie higher then 2 feet, then you were considered a good sk8er...Now bring us to the modern day...alot of sk8er's (as of 2000 & above)are brought up and influenced by tony hawks play station games, you can do a unrealistic tricks by mctwisting to smith grind to revert to krooks to 5-0 to revert to chink chink to 50-50 to blunt and back to chink chink. Its pretty cool to be a part of something that has matured into what it is now & the best part is its still growing!



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